Went to doctor's appointment this morning and everything is going well. Here are baby and my stats:
~ BP: 126/86
~ Baby's Heart Rate: 137
~ Dilated to almost 3 1/2 cm.
~ still 75% effaced
~ belly is measuring at 37 weeks
I have not been sleeping well the past few nights which is quickly catching up with me. I so wish I could rest during Emry's naps, but work calls! Also having LOTS of Braxton Hicks contractions and some are considerably painful. I feel guilty complaining, but I'm just getting to "that point" where I'm ready to have my body back, not run to the restroom every five minutes, be able to lay on my back at night, and have normal looking extremities (I have a perpetual left club foot). Baby is technically considered full term so if it wants to make its grand entrance any time, I won't protest! I go back to the doc next Thursday and they said if I haven't gone on my own by 39 weeks (Oct. 23rd), we can schedule an induction. Woohoo!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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