
Goodbye Summer

I really have no idea where the summer went. I feel like the last day of school was yesterday and now I'm going back to work tomorrow! What!?!? I cherished every moment with Emry this summer and we ended our break with a bang! We went on a long power walk this morning with my friend/neighbor, then we headed to the pool with Natalie and Fletcher, ran some errands and went to night breastfeeding group. Even though my heart breaks when I leave Emry every morning, I realize that I have the best job a working mom can have. I get all holidays and random days off and a LONG summer break. She's going to Gayle's house again this year and I'm so incredibly thankful for that. It makes working a little easier knowing she's in such wonderful care. Here are some pics from today.


Grandma Maro said...

Adorable! It is really hard to go back to work.

Love you all,
Grandma Maro

Anonymous said...

Adorable hat! You have wonderful taste!