I know you've heard this before, but I CANNOT believe that God blessed us with our little miracle 7 months ago! She changes so much each month. It's so amazing to witness her learning and growth. I never knew I could possess such a deep love for someone so small but I DO! Steve and I absolutely love being parents, especially to such a unique little girl. Each day, I do my best to stop and cherish each moment because I know the next time I turn my head, she'll be WOW-
ing us with something new. Here is what our precious bean has been up to:
~ nurses 4-5 times a day
~ has tried all fruits/veggies
~ eats Oatmeal or rice cereal twice a day
~ is practicing holding and using a sippy cup (not very successful yet)
~ sleeps 10-11 hours a night
~ takes two, 2 hour naps and sometimes an early evening cat nap
~ goes to bed around 8:00
~ has perfected the art of sitting and even reaches for toys far out of her reach
~ rocks forward in attempt to reach things
~ knows how to roll over both ways but prefers not to
~ takes a bath in the REAL tub
~ says, "a-da, dah, dah" and "I-da"
~ says "mmmm-um" when she's whining
~ LOVES other children and has giggling fits when she's around them
~ is a bit of a mommy's girl
~ is very sensitive to loud sounds
~ is very curious about Rosie, our cat
~ loves being outside
~ sits like a big girl in her stroller
~ is fascinated by everything that's not technically a toy
~ passes objects back and forth between hands (still working on the pincer grasp)
~ smiles when I baby sign to her
~ only has her pacifier at naps and bedtime
We love you baby! Happy 7 months!