Steve and I are having a hard time believing that our precious bean is 6 months old today. What?!?!?! Time is sneaking by feels like she'll be 18 by the end of the month. Please slow down! She was a lucky girl to have her photo shoot at the lake. Here is what Miss Emry is doin' these days:

~ Nurses 5 times a day
~ Has tried all vegetables and recently tried pears
~ Eats rice or oatmeal cereal three times a day
~ Rolls over both ways, but doesn't prefer to
~ Sits up like a big girl
~ Giggles
~ Grabs and successfully holds objects/toys
~ Tucks legs under her belly during tummy time
~ Loves blowing raspberries while eating her cereal
~ Takes two, 2-2 1/2 hours naps each day
~ Sleeps from 8-5 or 5:30 and then goes back to sleep until 8:30 or 9:00 (We'll work on sleeping in longer when we get back to KC)
~ Is very observant
~ Loves being outside
~ Sits up in stroller
~ Can turn body 90 degrees during tummy time
~ Coos and squeals
~ Loves other babies/kids, especially when they talk to her
That's all I can think of right now. Happy 6 months baby! Daddy and I love you more than you'll EVER KNOW! We feel so blessed that God brought you into our lives.