
14 Months

Our sweet girl turned 14 months today. As always, she is our favorite thing and never ceases to make us smile. We are obsessed with our cutie-patootie! Here is what little E is up to these days:
~ sleeps from 7pm-6:30/7:00am
~ take two naps ranging from 1 1/2- 2 hrs each
~ repeats everything (including any time someone toots)
~ took 4 steps on her own the other day (not walking consistently though)
~ has 10 teeth
~ loves books, looking out windows, rummaging through drawers/purses/bags, being chased, walking when someone holds one hand, and electronics.
~ says: eeet (eat), naana (banana),ba (ball), back (put it back), hi-fi (high five), cake (shake), hi, ba-ba (bye-bye), daddee, mamma, ki-tee, eeow (meow), teet-teet (tweet), day-dee (baby), uff-uff (ruff), pappa (grandpa), bow, kilk (milk), moo, nigh-nigh (night-night), up, cheeess (cheese), juice, nack (snack), book, soos (shoes), geez (Jesus), uh-oh, Addie, Andooo (Andrew), and Rob.
~ points to her head, toes, fingers, mouth, and belly
~ signs: please, more, all-done

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