Last Saturday, Emry developed a cold which progressively got worse and ended up moving to her chest. She was wheezing a little when she was screaming her lungs out Tues night. Not too normal so I called the doc early Wed morning. They wanted to see her right away because they don't like to mess around with breathing issues. At the appointment they discovered that her oxygen level was low so they did a breathing treatment in the office to make sure that it increased her levels. Even though the nurse left me alone to perform the treament myself (something I've NEVER done) to an almost 11 month old, who was only in a diaper, crying her face off and thrashing her head and arms was a success! Her levels went up and they sent us home with our very own nebulizer and instructed us to give her a treatment every 4-6 hours until her cough ceases. She's tolerating the restraint and sitting still better and better each time. We're hoping this is a one time deal but if not, we're better educated and prepared.
oh my! I didn't know all of this happened! glad she is getting better with the breathing treatments. Tori isn't feeling too hot today and has gunk in her chest, she is coughing a little, we will continue to watch her. :( poor babies
Poor baby. I am so glad that she is doing better. Take it easy,
WOW! We had no idea Emry was so ill. I am glad she is on the mend. I bet you and Steven were very concerned. Love to all of you!!
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