Our little girl isn't so little anymore. At her 4 month well checkup, she came in at 100th percentile for height at 27 inches...80th percentile for head circumference at 16 3/4 inches...and 70th percentile for weight at 14 lbs 2 oz. Wowzers! The doc said she looks great and apparently has great eye contact, and head and leg control. Unfortunately, she had to get several shots and boy oh boy did she HATE them. That was the LOUDEST I've ever heard her cry. You would have thought her limbs were being ripped off. The last time she received shots it took her only seconds to stop crying but this time it took her about 5 minutes to finally calm down. Poor baby. You moms out there know how heart-breaking it is. Luckily Steve came with and was up by her head when it was happening. Then I got to cuddle her afterwards. We thank God everyday that we have a healthy little girl who's thriving! Here is a shot of her "war wounds" and some other randoms. Come on, I couldn't resist. Obviously 1 picture doesn't cut it. :)

Laying on her side. I'm hoping she roll over soon!