Our sweet girl became 15 months on Thursday! I'm a little behind on this post as we've been busy, busy, busy. I don't know why but each month, I'm amazed at how much she changes. She's a happy girl (majority of the time) with a great disposition. She's sensitive (like me) and also determined to do or get what she wants. She loves learning and exploring the environment she's in. Here is more of what she's up to:
~ she tries to repeat most words
~ knows all the words listed in her 14 month post and has recently learned what sound a snake makes.
~ attempts to use a spoon and fork when I remember to let her try
~ identifies her head, hands, feet, knee, belly, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth
~ doesn't like her teeth to be brushed anymore
~ gives us "lovin"
~ gives "day-dee" a nice rub and hugs my belly
~ eats most fruits and doesn't prefer vegetables
~ loves books
~ is walking full time and RARELY crawls
~ sleeps from 7/7:30pm to 7:00 am
~ still takes two naps (we tried transitioning to one and it didn't quite work)
As always, she's our FAVORITE thing in the entire world. We love you sweet girl.
Emry and I headed to The Grove in Zona Rosa to check out the baby chicks and ducks. She said "teet-teet" and "cack, cack" while they scurried around.